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Groundbreaking Medical Achievement

Genetically Modified Pig Kidney Transplanted into Human for the First Time

Groundbreaking Medical Achievement

In a historic medical breakthrough, surgeons have successfully transplanted a kidney from a genetically modified pig into a human recipient. The surgery, which took place in September 2021, marks the first time a pig organ has been transplanted into a living human being.

The kidney came from a pig that had been genetically engineered to eliminate the α1 3-galactosyltransferase gene (GTKO). This gene is responsible for producing a protein that triggers an immune response in humans, which would normally lead to rejection of the organ.

The recipient of the kidney is a brain-dead patient who was declared organ-ineligible. The transplant was performed as part of a research study to assess the safety and feasibility of pig-to-human organ transplantation.

The pig kidney is functioning properly and the recipient is in stable condition. The study team is monitoring the patient closely for any signs of rejection or other complications.

If successful, this research could lead to a new source of organs for transplantation, which could save the lives of thousands of people who are currently waiting for organ donation.
